Sunday, 30 March 2014

Exploratory Project- Project Plan


Exploratory Project.

Project Plan.

1. What do you want to explore? Be specific.

I would like to experiment with a wide range of media (as drawing, painting, printing, charcoal and pastels) and make extensive use of collage (most specifically paper collage) and found objects. I would really want to experiment with the idea that I had been thinking lately: RECONSTRUCTION. Hence, I would like to generate lots of visual ideas from one source and then break up the whole thing to “reconstruct” and give new meaning to the piece or construct work from multiple parts. Initially, I have enjoyed the work “Frame, Form and Fracture” and I feel lots of possibilities in the term “fracture”, “fragmentation”,etc.
Also, I would like to explore on the relationship of the 2D and the 3D during the whole process.


2. What is your personal challenge?

My personal challenge will be the breaking down the elements constructed, rearranging them into different possibilities and exploring on the ideas emerging which might not necessary be "aesthetically pleasant".
I will also have to keep in mind that the aim of this project is not to dwell on finished artworks but rather to only explore further possibilities.


3. What methods will you use? What rules will you set yourself?

1. I would be exploring on a variety of techniques and will not be limiting myself some methods/techniques.
2.  However, as collage will also be importantly be used as technique, I will be considering mixed media and found objects also. I will most importantly be considering the risk factor and accidental effects.
3.  I will have to start exploring on the relationship of the 2D and the 3D as from the start of the project so as to generate new ideas from the source and build up on that.
4.  I will make use of several iterative cycle plan for my making to be sure to explore further possibilities.

 5. I will also have to keep in mind that the aim of this project is not to dwell on finished artworks but rather to only explore further possibilities.
6.  I will be concentrating on an intuitive response rather than starting from a theme.
7.  Last but not least, I will have to consider weightage for posting purposes.


4. Plan an outline programme over 12 weeks; build in time for reflection and evaluation.

WEEK 1: Starting with the work: simple Pen and Ink experiments that are cut down into pieces and rearranged into another paper. Further Pen and Ink onto the Fragments.. 

WEEK 2: Further fragmentation, experimentation by cutting up pieces of the works done and re-assembling them again . Consider how to turn the artwork into 3D.

WEEK 3, WEEK 4, WEEK 5, WEEK 6, WEEK 7, WEEK 8: Block printing (lino cuts) experiments, Painting experiments, Charcoal drawing experiments, etc. with all with the same procedures as above. 

WEEK 10 and WEEK 11: Evaluation and reflections on further possibilities.
WEEK 12: Assembling all together.


5. What challenges do you anticipate?
I will most importantly be considering the risk factor and accidental effects. Thus, I will have take decisions as and when required and I will not be in total control of unforeseen circumstances. 

6. What will you do when you get stuck?

1. Ask for advice from MA group, tutors, family, friends and colleagues.

2. Step back for a day or two and REFLECT on work done, what needs to be reconsidered and/or improved….

3. Research on artists with same concepts.
4. Make use of Les Bricknell List of non art verbs..




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