Wednesday 16 March 2016

Thinking about "my gathering"

There is an acute sense of awareness when I go to gather up my ideas.. I like walking: I get to get over stressing thoughts and a calmness gets to install in. However, walking on the beach is more intense. Overwhelming emotions comes in. I am aware of the wonder and grace which is so powerful, so intense as compared to my pains and problems. Everything eventually comes to a still. Being in the "right now" is the only thing that matters. 
This "moment" is the one before me.  It is the one I can experience and transform. This moment I can choose to be right where I am in the fullest possible sense. And I can breathe to open my senses so that I can feel myself as a small part of the moment in preparation for the depth of possibility it holds.  I can expand my listening to hear the sounds of the waves sharing the moment with me. There is something going on: nature is whispering something important to me. I can expand my moment to the landscape of which I am a detail and find inspiration in the land, air, water, little creatures, shells,leftover of the sea,decayed weeds, twigs and plants around me. I am  part of this process too. I feel this must be some form spiritual practice that I am trying to describe; a collaborative process where I get to be connected with other species in a special way while a slowing down process installs in. The space, the time and the mind become ONE.
I listen to nature for its deeper message; I think It tells me to REMEMBER, for soon enough, as I will be orienting my steps towards another reality, I would only have my memories with me and a nostalgia of what I felt in the past.
The art that I would be creating would be from another reality; the place would be different as would be my perception then. However, I choose to create at that place only as the power of the inspiration felt have been deeply absorbed. The studio is also a place where I belong; it is full with possibility and will enliven ideas from the subconscious. There would be a regeneration process; linked with the domestic aspects of my routine life. There would be a creative attempt to renew these felt emotions, to adapt myself and to re-build on  the familiar in new forms.
What I feel from my making is like meeting a challenge: to expand from what is shifting and changing and to re-orient from fragments. The possibilities here becomes unlimited as one think to grasp on the dynamic rhythms and fragmented patterns of the shells, sharing the treasure within ..
Ideas From :
The Native Mind and the Cultural Construction of Nature By Scott Atran and Douglas L. Medin and
Folkbiology  Edited by Douglas L. Medin and Scott Atran

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