Sunday 22 November 2015

Sketches and the Sculpture.

Some quick sketches from the subject Coral Structures; leading to a carved biomorphic form where there is an emphasis over the mass; concentrating on the internal forms. Both the sketches and the sculpture are drawn from memory. I wanted to think on the way things could be perceived differently (this method of drawing from memory was also a method Alberto Giacometti used to evolve in his style.) The ideas about how the conscious is storing selected informations in an organised system is really something which could be pursued further. I like the idea where the "presence" is wholely and simply felt with the solid shape and feel of the texture. Direct carving was important as the projected image from the subconscious would seem to work out its way through the material. I always liked working on soap as if I was sketching on something:reaching out for primal thoughts and ideas and working on a small piece. Was it not the "plastic sensibility"; "the sensation of the tactile qualities of surfaces"(argued by Sir Herbert Read: The Art of Sculpture); the whole idea around palpation and handling of the object when I was strolling on the beach which finally led me to the fascination of this subject in the first place?. These seemed to be my latest Leitmotifs: the touch versus the seen;the intuitive versus the representational; sculpture versus painting.. I am keeping an open mind on what all these ideas will be culminating to;however making always seems to keep my darkest fears at bay..


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