Reflections: My last visit at the centre was personally a memorable one, and also an eventful one. I can fully understand the meaning of connectivity and I feel totally in harmony with what I was offering to the "baitka". I also have to analyse my feelings at the time of the placing of the work for I was offering something that felt so important to me. Was Everybody around feeling the same way? I really do not know, However I get this heartfelt feeling that people around have already accepted me as one of them: I form part of their circle and what I was offering to them was making some kind of meaning. Joyful faces and smiles meant encouragement: they were in favour of art.
My audience was open to change and acceptance: they had asked many questions at the time of making as they were not accustomed to abstract responses. Being an educator, I asked myself if some kind of teaching has been taking place. This was not an intentional goal, however people who are so inviting and kept an open mind for things could rapidly move on to different stages in their level of reading an artwork. They were sensitive to colours, and could understand expression and communication for some of them were performers and skilled dancers. I ended up becoming enthusiastic too. I would like to think that my whole experiment was a successful one.
1. Question: Does the opinion of the public makes a difference to me?
Answer: I think this is an important question and I have been reflecting on this at different levels. I would like to think that this whole task was really a collaboration and that the outcome had depended on their interaction to some important level. However, I think that if the audience would have reacted in a different way,maybe my response would not have been so enthusiastic.
2. Question to myself: Was I working to please an audience?
Answer: I definitely felt I was working out on something that would be given away and that would exist in a place around a particular audience. I was definitely working around that audience. This artwork exists mainly because of its audience.
At the placing of the artwork, different suggestions were offered, rejected and finally accepted. One suggestion was to place the artwork at the balcony garden as it could enhance the surroundings. Another was to place it where the people of the "baitka" usually gathers to do their morning prayers. The last suggestion, accepted by everyboby however, was the staircase where everybody voted in favour of.